Friday, August 13, 2010

Why you should AVOID using toxic cheicals AT ALL COSTS in your personal care products, and use pure & natural ones instead.

It never ceaes to amaze me how manufacturing companies of personal care products and other companies who make products to beautify you, will continue to put toxic chemicals in their products without knowing the hazards or repercussions that they can cause to one's health. They; the companies and the consumers who use them don't seems to understand that toxic chemicals used to maked these products can penetrate thru the skin and be absorbed like a sponge and eventually reach the body's organs and tissues as well as the cells throughout the body and can cause major health issues plus make one sick over a period of time.
I can't seem to understand why one would want to rub, shampoo, bathe, wash or beautify themselves with toxic chemicals is beyond my comprehension. I would much rather use something that is more in sync. w/nature.
When you go shopping for personal care products, try to at least buy ones that are pure, organic & natural as possible. And be leary of lotions & shampoos that say on the label that they are natural and organic cause in essence they may not actually be that way. They need to be at least certified organic. So read labels carefully. after all, in this day and age, we need to be label readers anyway to get our moneys worth.
*Also, choose your dental health products wisely. Try to buy natural ones there as well.(ie: natural toothpaste w/out flouride; not good for your health. & natural mouthwash.) Remember, what you choose to put into your mouth is absorbed thru your gums and throughout your body. Pure baking soda made into a consistency of toothpaste is a good altenative to consider.
If possible, try to make your own personal care products from scratch. There are many herbals you can use to put together to beautify yourself, there are natural recipes you can make for lotions or soaps. Try to make your own toothpaste using baking soda and a little water as mentioned above. Do not use hydrogen peroxide to the mix if you had dental work done in the past. Also, for mouthwash, you can mix some herbal teas together. There are various ways to make your own personal care products if you opt to do that for safety's sake. *The botttom line here is that
you make sure your personal care products you use are very pure, natural & certified organic as possible. You will be better off in the long run and plus your health won't have to suffer for it.